Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Souper d'adieu

Hola mis amigos/as.  Bonjour mes amies/s. HELLO EVERYONE

Tonight was the farewell dinner with my Batshaw colleagues and friends. What a great ride it has been for almost 9 years; learning and working as a nurse in child welfare has been a wonderful end-of-careerexperience. I am truly ready for new adventures but feel privileged to have worked with such dedicated professionals there. Thanks to all of you who came tonight, even though you had a long drive to get there.

I am now fully equipped for a jungle adventure. Tilley hat (from MCH friends) and now small and powerful binoculars(from Batshaw colleagues) to help me see those tiny birds and butterflies as they flit around. I just have to figure out how the binoculars work. At my first attempt I left the protective caps on, so I have lots of work to do before I leave if I want to use these things properly. I may look a little like Tin Tin with my hat, binoculars and safari shorts but I should blend well with the foliage! I will make sure to send you a picture of me in this outfit, if I can figure out how the camera works without Pierre to coach me. 

Mon cadeau de départ complète ma trousse d'aventure..jumelles pour aller avec mon chapeau Tilley! Je suis donc prête pour une randonnée dans la jungle...pilules contre la malaria, piqûre contre la fièvre jaune, typhoide, vaccin oral contre le E-Coli  etc, etc. On dirait que je pars pour l'Amazonie, mais vaut mieux être prévoyant! J'aurai possiblement l'air de TinTin mais  je serai confortable.

Il me reste 2 jours de travail officiel et 5 jours avant le départ pour Panama. J'ai hâte!

So it`s down to the wire, 2 more days of offiical work left and 5 more until I leave for Ciudad de Panama (Panama City).
If you are wondering how I plan on keeping in touch, please put up with this bi/trilingual blog as I need to write in English and French and once there will be using a Spanish computer. I trust you will understand most of what I write.

Hasta la proxima/ â bientôt,


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